Join The Circuit Breaker

A program helping high-performing people break the cycle of addiction and regain control of their lives and choices.

Open up, Show up, Level up.

Join the Circuit Breaker

A program helping high-performing people break the cycle of addiction and regain control of their lives and choices.

Open up, Show up, Level up.

Addiction Coaching Australia has helped hundreds of people break the cycle of addiction with our proven system The Circuit Breaker™.

Addiction Coaching Australia has helped hundreds of people break the cycle of addiction with our proven system The Circuit Breaker™.

You're here for a reason.

  • You can’t stop doing (X).

  • You're triggered by friends, family, life and situations.

  • You can’t stop yourself from making destructive decisions in the moment.

  • You can’t seem to win the war in your head.

  • You've lost your confidence and self control.

  • You start things and don’t finish or stick to them.

  • You don't know how to celebrate without drugs and alcohol.

  • You're losing your integrity and your behaviour is questionable.

  • Your relationship with yourself and others is strained.

  • You have lost your sense of boundaries.

  • You can’t communicate your needs or feelings.

  • You have lost track of who you are and what you really want.

You've probably already tried

  • Expensive private rehabs that didn’t deliver what they promised.

  • Meeting groups where you felt alienated and out of place.

  • Getting back to the gym and fitness thinking that was the answer.

  • Online courses with no personal touch points that lacked depth and connection.

  • Going it on your own without any support and education.

  • Men’s group or Women’s Circles that didn’t address the issue.

  • GP, Doctors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists who didn’t understand and were quick to prescribe.

You need a quick and effective reset to help you reconnect to life, work, and family. The good news is that is completely possible.

The Circuit Breaker will teach you to

Identify the root cause of your behaviour

Break cravings and urges every time

Win the mental war in your head and start to open up

Reframe celebration and successfully socialise

Develop habits that stick and get results

Reset your values and improve your behaviour so you can start to show up

Rebuild your relationships with yourself and others

Create healthy boundaries for yourself and your health

Communicate your feelings and needs like a pro

Discover who you are in and want you really want and start to level up

Welcome friend.

I'm the founder of Addiction Coaching Australia. I created The Circuit Breaker™ so you can get out from under drugs and alcohol and start to open up, show up and level up in life, love, work and money.

I have helped hundreds of people break the cycle of addiction and regain control of their life and choices with my proven system without going to rehab, taking time off work and being away from their families.

Take back control of your life and choices and watch your relationships and potential flourish.

Take back control of your life and choices and watch your relationships and potential flourish.

How it works

Our programs are designed and developed in partnership with leading experts and holistic healthcare specialists using the latest research and ideas. The program delivers group coaching programs to people using an easy-to-use technology suite and online learning resources.

Twice-weekly Group Coaching via Zoom

A 60-minute Zoom session each Wednesday and Sunday night with our community. A place to learn and share your wins, roadblocks and goals.

Our full curriculum

Access to over 15 easy-to-understand and watch videos. You’ll also receive a full curriculum guide and worksheets. 

Access to SKOOL

Access to our private learning and community platform, SKOOL. You’ll be able to track your progress and cultivate connection and learning with the community.

Expert Events

We have monthly expert events where you can learn the latest in nutrition, mindset, holistic health therapies and peak performance.

Daily text accountability

You’ll complete a daily P.L.A.Y in a private channel with our coaching team to help you get organised and develop a daily practice of gratitude, a growth mindset and self reflection.

Slack Channel

You’ll get access to our coaching team via a private Slack channel where you can ask questions and get feedback from our coaching team.

Why it works

The Transformation Model

  • How to beat cravings and urges so you can stop making the same mistakes over and over again

  • How to identify your triggers so you can control your environment and how you react to people, relationships and historical triggers

  • How to win the war in your head so you can build an internal strength and connect to future, potential and happiness

  • How to reframe celebration and successfully socialise so you can…

  • How to develop habits that stick so you can …

  • How to stop lying and start showing up so you can reconnect to who you are and how you are, what you stand for and how you are going to show up for this life

  • How to set healthy boundaries so you can …

  • How to communicate like a pro so you can …

  • How to discover who you are and what you really want so you can …

Open Up

  • How to beat cravings and urges so you can stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

  • How to identify your triggers so you can control your environment and how you react to people, relationships and historical triggers.

  • How to win the war in your head so you can stay in the driver's seat and make choices that serve you and your happiness.

Show Up

  • How to reframe celebration and successfully socialise so you can stay connected with friends, family and colleagues without drugs and alcohol.

  • How to develop habits that stick so you can reconnect to hobbies, health and routines that get you results.

  • How to stop lying and start showing up so you can reconnect to who you are and how you are, what you stand for and how you are going to show up for this life.

Level Up

  • How to set healthy boundaries so you can keep yourself safe, create time for yourself and prioritise what is truly important.

  • How to communicate like a pro so you can share your thoughts, feelings and needs to people in every area of your life and start coming out on top.

  • How to discover who you are and what you really want so you can let go of shame and guilt, maintain your health and start building a life by design from a fresh place and perspective

Don't take our word for it.

We've helped hundreds of people get back on track.

Ready to level up?

Join The Circuit Breaker™ today.


$297 per week

ex. gst

Sign up for our 30 day intro program.

After 30 days, if you love it, gain access to tailored extension programs.

Need extra support?

We've got options for you.


4 x 60 minute

1:1 Coaching for 30 days

One-off payment

Saving of $500


4 x 60 minute 1:1 Coaching for 30 days
+ 30 days of Daily Phone Check-ins

One-off payment

All prices are ex. gst.

30 day - Success Guarantee

I will work with you for as long as it takes until you can stop doing (x) for 30 days no matter how long it takes, as long as you are actually implementing The Circuit Breaker™, its non-negotiables, daily accountabilities, group coaching calls and curriculum to a 95% completion rate.

More client testimonials

Got Questions?

What can I expect when I sign up?

As soon as you sign up you will receive an email confirmation and receipt of payment. The email will have super clear instructions on how to access SKOOL and SLACK and also how to complete your daily P.L.A.Y.

You will also start to receive meeting reminders and some motivational quotes from us delivered to your phone via SMS.

If you have any questions or unsure about any aspect of the program please email [email protected]

What date does the program start?

The program begins the day that you start. You can enter anytime and begin the program, curriculum and accountabilities.

How many people are in the group, and how long is each session for?

Our community is capped at 100 members for 2024.

Our Wednesday and Sunday night sessions are 60 minutes long and start at 7pm Melbourne time on ZOOM.

These sessions run on time every time and we appreciate people arriving a few minutes prior to the meeting time.

You can read our preamble and community guidelines HERE.

What's the focus of the weekly sessions?

The Weekly Coaching Session

Our Wednesday night session is a learning session hosted by Conrad or an expert speaker.

This session is interactive and will focus on current issues for the group, the curriculum and also new learnings and concepts.

The Weekly Debrief 

Our Sunday night session is a chance for everyone in the community to share their wins, roadblocks, reflections on the week past and set up a plan and goals for the week ahead.

These two meetings work well in combination to create a regular and manageable cadence of connection learning and support that you can dial into your life.

What is SLACK, and how do the daily accountabilities work?

SLACK is a messaging tool that is used for communication and collaboration in some of the most forward thinking companies around the world.

You will be invited to a private channel #thecircuitbreaker where you will be able to chat and interact with other members.

You will also use SLACK to complete your daily PLAY accountability and have access to our coaching team to ask questions

Is there homework/things to learn or work on in-between the group sessions?

We have an extensive online curriculum which is available to all members to view and access whilst they are in the program.

We suggest you work through these at the pace of around 3 a week and also encourage people to request content that they cannot find or would like to see.

Our curriculum is delivered in short punchy Youtube style videos that are easy to take in and understand.

Do you offer crisis support?

We do not offer crisis support and handle emergencies.

Our coaching staff are available to answer questions and we guarantee an 8 HR turnaround.

Can I get 1:1 coaching?

We have coaching bundles available for 1:1 work with our founder Conrad Tracey and also other members of our coaching staff.

We encourage all of our participants to take part in 1:1 coaching if it is accessible to you financially and we will often incentivise and offer promotions on bundles for people once they are inside the community so it pays to join.

What happens after the first 30 days?

The Circuit Breaker is incredibly effective in doing just that, breaking the circuit.

The reality is that long term results require long term work and connection.

This is why we recommend people stay inside the community for a period of 3 - 6 months to maximise their success and long term health and happiness.

What is the refund/cooling off period?

Our program has a 30 day love it or leave period.

If for any reason you do not wish to stay in the program you are welcome to leave after 30 days.

Our cooling off period is 24 hours in case you just change your mind and we do not offer pauses on any of our programs or offerings.

Is there a guarantee?

There is!

I believe in earning my keep and keeping my promises to people.

I will work with you until you've managed to stop doing (x) for 30 days, no matter how long it takes, as long as you are actually implementing The Circuit Breaker, its non-negotiables, daily accountabilities, group coaching calls and curriculum to a 95% completion rate.

In other words, you can't not take any action and come back seven years from now and ask me to work with you.

But, come in, implement the learning and do the work, and if you don't hit the goal, I'm happy to help you dial in your plan or troubleshoot - whatever it takes until you Stop doing (x) 30 days.

Can I use my private health insurance, NDIS, or Medicare?

We are a private service and do not offer rebates for Medicare, private health or the ability to pay for your program through NDIS funding.

Do I need to be good at technology?

You will need to understand how to use Zoom, download a few basic applications on your mobile phone and have access to and an understanding of your email to do well in the program.

We have kept it as simple as we can and all of our platforms are optimised for ease of use, privacy and security. 

Are the group sessions recorded?

We record audio and video of presenters only for the Wednesday night group coaching sessions. These session are posted in our SLACK channel weekly for people that wish to reference or catch up on the learning.

What do I need to bring?

You must bring a great attitude, be open-minded and prepared to show up and do the work. We found great results for busy professionals who open up, practise vulnerability and are ready for change.

We will work with you to develop a bespoke plan we'll implement together.

What are your qualifications?

All of our coaching staff have completed or are currently enrolled in a Certificate IV of alcohol and other drugs.

All of our coaching and support staff have lived experience of breaking the cycle of alcohol and drug addiction and are maintaining their health and happiness.

Our founder - Conrad Tracey has a graduate diploma in Psychology from The University of Melbourne, Certificate IV in Alcohol and other drugs, is a certified Mental Health First Aider and has a career that expands over 15 years in high level business, performance coaching and also work in the private rehabilitation sector.

Conrad beat a ten year addiction to meth and cocaine and is responsible for developing The Circuit Breaker ™ in partnership with leading holistic and private health professionals.

Still unsure?

Book a private, no obligation Action Gameplan Call.

Ready to level up?

Join The Circuit Breaker™ today.


$297 per week

ex. gst

Sign up for our 30 day intro program.

After 30 days, if you love it, gain access to tailored extension intakes.

Need extra support?

We've got options for you.


4 x 60 minute

1:1 Coaching for 30 days

One-off payment

Saving of $500


4 x 60 minute 1:1 Coaching for 30 days
+ 30 days of Daily Phone Check-ins

One-off payment

All prices are ex. gst.

© Addiction Coaching Australia 2024 | All Rights Reserved